Nintendo’s NEW Console- They NEED to do THIS!

Nintendo will be testing the waters again in 2024 with the announced launch of it’s new next-gen console. Nintendo’s new console will be set to replace the iconic Nintendo Switch.

It goes without saying that the followup to one of the best selling consoles of all time (Switch) will need to bring with it some pretty noticeable upgrades. Let’s talk about what Nintendo needs to do/bring to the gaming market, if they want to keep the crown as GOAT of the gaming industry.

More Power

It goes without saying that this next console will have to out-muscle the current Nintendo Switch. Although the Switch held it’s own impressively wellin the gaming market, considering it’s relatively low spec sheet, and surrounded by the high spec Juggernauts like the PS5 and XBOX X/S, the new upgrade will need to make a statement that Nintendo is back in the driver’s seat.

Form factor

The Nintendo Switch’s versatility was such a hit, it’s only logical that Nintendo would try to stick with the same “dock-able tablet” formula that got them to this point. Also considering, changing the formula would put them into direct competition with Sony and Microsoft for the legacy style console crown, something that Nintendo may not be willing to do at this point.


Although the detachable Switch Joy-cons have been a huge part of the Switch’s success, the black cloud hanging over the Nintendo Switch hardware, is the infamous Joystick drift. Second hand stores across the world are littered with Switch Joy-cons that perpetually will push Link up and to the left. Hall sensor joysticks, or a suitable alternative, where the instance of Joy-stick drift is significantly decreased, would be the hopeful solution.

Backwards compatibility

At the end of the Switch’s lifespan, it will likely have amassed over 5000 games. That translates to a lot of money spent on video games. The next generation will need some form of backwards compatibility to keep gamers happy that have shelled out thousands of dollars on their collections. Hopefully, downloading the digital version will not be the only option, there should be life for physical media as well, to keep game collecting alive. This leads us to our next point.

Internal storage

We can read the writing on the wall. Digital media is here to stay. If downloading these new, upgraded, next gen games will be the main way to play games, the storage on Nintendo’s new console will have to have a big upgrade too. Will the next open world Zelda game push 50-100 GBs of storage? Then throw in all the updates and upgrades, and you have a serious need to big time storage options.


The question begs to be asked. How powerful can a tablet gaming console be in 2024, without draining the wallet? The quickly emerging market of handheld gaming PCs, such as the Valve Steam Deck, Aya Neo, and upcoming Lenovo- Legion Go, has proven that console level gaming is possible at a portable level, but prices can push up into the thousands of dollars. Can Nintendo’s new console manage to make a substantial upgrade from the Switch, and compete with the current next-gen consoles, while still keeping prices affordable? It’s going to be a difficult juggling trick that’s going to be fascinating to watch play out.

Keep posted. We’ll keep you up to date as information develops.

If you have any other suggestions/demands, don’t be afraid to let them be heard in the comments below!

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